For twelve years I was bathed in a flood of cortisol, that almost killed me. But cortisol does have it’s advantages, such as reducing arthritis inflammation. My Cushing’s years are like a dream world (nightmare) that I went into at 30 and came out of at 42. A lot changed during that time – I got 12 years older. I developed arthritis in many joints and didn’t know it.
The first six months after my tumor removal I was just in constant pain all over because of an overactive inflammation from my body once the cortisol was gone. After a trip to the ER when I couldn’t walk due to pain in my hip, I learned that during my 12 year absence I had developed arthritis. It’s like a new me (not better, just different) on the other side of a 12 year transportation portal trip.
During the first several months of severe pain I did come upon the best supplements for me to control inflammation – namely Turmeric and Boswellia. The arthritis pain needed more to control it. I started looking at food triggers. I could tie my bad hip incident to dairy. After cutting dairy out of my diet I started seeing other diet changes that would help me. All grains and beans caused bloating and bowel inconsistency. I also suspected they were contributing to a lesser degree to my inflammation problem.
Then it occurred to me that eliminating diary, grains and legumes was essentially the Paleo diet. What’s nice about that is that it is becoming more common so there is a lot of information about it. Almost three months ago I started to try to implement the Paleo diet fairly consistently. What a difference it has made.
– My arthritis flair ups are minimal. I can usually explain differences to diet slips or extreme weather changes.
– My digestive functions are regular and void of bloating, gas, and pain.
– My blood glucose numbers were reduced enough that I could discontinue insulin and Metformin
– After getting off the insulin and Metformin I started having a bit of an increase in energy level so that I could a bit of exercise.
Prior to my Cushing’s nightmare I controlled my weight with the Atkin’s approach. The things I didn’t like about Atkin’s was limiting vegetables and use of processed and artificial foods. Paleo is what I always thought a perfect diet would be. So Paleo… here we go.