Category Archives: Science

Fifth Grade Science

Woodford, C., & Clowes, M. (2013). Atoms and molecules: investigating the building blocks of matter. New York: Rosen Central.

Parker, S. (2004). Chemicals & change. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers.

Oxlade, C. (2002). Elements & compounds. Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library.

Royston, A. (2016). Experiments with a lemon. Mankato, Minnesota: Smart Apple Media.

Moss, C. (1998). Science in ancient Mesopotamia. New York: F. Watts.

Dingle, A. (2013). How to make a universe with 92 ingredients: an electrifying guide to the elements. First North American edition. Toronto, ON: Owlkids Books.

Dingle, A. (2007). The periodic table. New York: Kingfisher.

Woods, G. (1998). Science in ancient Egypt. New York: Franklin Watts.

Oxlade, C. (2002). Acids & bases. Chicago, Illinois: Heinemann Library.

Beshore, G. (1998). Science in ancient China. New York: F. Watts.

Green, D., & Basher, S. (2010). Chemistry. New York: Kingfisher.

Spilsbury, L., & Spilsbury, R. (2007). Chemical reactions. Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library.

Spilsbury, L., & Spilsbury, R. (2007). Atoms and molecules. Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library.

Fourth Grade Science

Mayer, L., & Rogers, S. (2010). Newton and me. Mount Pleasant, SC: Sylvan Dell Pub.

Green, D., & Basher, S. (2008). Physics: [why matter matters! New York, N.Y.: Kingfisher.

Walliman, D., & Newman, B. (2016). Professor Astro Cat’s atomic adventure: a journey through physics. First edition. London: Flying Eye Books.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Levers. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Pumps. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Sound. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Wheels & Axles. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Baxter, R. (2013). States of matter in the real world. Minneapolis, Minn.: ABDO Publishing.

(2010). Friction. Itasca, IL: Disney Educational Productions.

Kalama, A. (2009). Newton’s 3 laws of motion. Elk Grove Village, IL.: Distributed by Disney Educational Productions.

Graham, I., Antram, D., & Salariya, D. (2013). You wouldn’t want to be Sir Isaac Newton!: a lonely life you’d rather not lead. New York: Franklin Watts.

Macaulay, D. (2002). The way things work: Friction. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2002). The way things work: Ballooning. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2002). The way things work: Heat. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Kalama, A., Kuchta, K., & Staedler, D. (2008). Levers and pulleys. Elk Grove Village, IL: Disney Educational Productions.

Greenberg, D. A. (2003). Amusement park science. Philadelphia: Chelsea Clubhouse Books.

(2010). Electricity. Itasca, IL: Distributed by Disney Educational Productions.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Floating. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Belts & Gears. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Light. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Musical Instruments. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Lasky, K., & Hawkes, K. (2017). Newton’s rainbow: the revolutionary discoveries of a young scientist. First edition. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux.

Kenney, K. L. (2016). The science of roller coasters: understanding energy. Minneapolis, MN: Abdo Publishing.

Schuh, M. C. (2016). Playing a game: inclined plane vs. lever. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publishing Group.

Schuh, M. C. (2016). Raising a bag of toys: pulley vs. inclined plane. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publishing Group.

Schuh, M. C. (2016). Holding a door open: wedge vs. wheels and axies. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publishing Group.

Schuh, M. C. (2016). Going ice fishing: lever vs. screw. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publishing Group.

Schuh, M. C. (2016). Making a salad: wedge vs. inclined plane. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publishing Group.

Schuh, M. C. (2016). Hauling a pumpkin: wheels and axies vs. lever. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publishing Group.

Kenney, K. L. (2016). The science of race cars: studying forces and motion. Minneapolis, MN: Abdo Publishing.

Fretland VanVoorst, J. (2016) Slides. Minneapolis, MN: Jump!, Inc.

Fretland VanVoorst, J. (2016) Hula Hoops. Minneapolis, MN: Jump!, Inc.

Fretland VanVoorst, J. (2016) Trampolines. Minneapolis, MN: Jump!, Inc.

Kuskowski, A. (2014). Science experiments with gravity & motion. Minneapolis, MN: Abdo Publishing.

Fretland VanVoorst, J. (2016) Bicycles. Minneapolis, MN: Jump!, Inc.

Green, D., & Basher, S. (2013). Extreme physics. New York: Kingfisher.

Fretland VanVoorst, J. (2016) Paper airplanes. Minneapolis, MN: Jump!, Inc.

Fretland VanVoorst, J. (2016) Boomerangs. Minneapolis, MN: Jump!, Inc.

Nye, B., & Cameron-Bure, C. (2009). Bill Nye the science guy: simple machines. Elk Grove Village, IL: Disney Educational Productions.

Johnson, R. (2015). Discoveries in physics that changed the world. First edition. New York: Rosen Publishing’s Rosen Central.

Macdonald, W., & Rui, P. (2009). Galileo’s leaning tower experiment: a science adventure. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.

Sis, P. (1996). Starry messenger: a book depicting the life of a famous scientist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, physicist, Galileo Galilei. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux.

Steele, P. (2007). Isaac Newton: the scientist who changed everything. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society.

Dispezio, M. A., & Leary, C. (1998). Awesome experiments in force & motion. New York: Sterling.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Pulleys. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Screws. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Springs. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Pressure. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Kelly, S., Meehl, B., Bloom, G. A., Hinson, L., May, J., Krauss, R., Stevenson, J., Cole, J., & Degen, B. (2013). The magic school bus: under construction. [United States]: Scholastic : Distributed by Cinedigm Entertainment.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Sinking. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Kalama, A., Kuchta, K., & Staedler, D. (2008). Gravity. Elk Grove Village, Il.: Disney Educational Productions.

Kalama, A. (2009). Energy. Elk Grove Village, IL.: Distributed by Disney Educational Productions.

Macaulay, D. (2003). The way things work: Engines. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Third Grade Science

Bryant-Mole, K. (1998). Magnets. Des Plaines, Ill.: Heinemann Interactive Library.

Nelson, R. (2004). Magnets. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co.

Meiani, A. (2003). Magnetism. 1st American ed. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co.

Bang, M. (2004). My light. New York: Blue Sky Press.

Eboch, C. (2013). Magnets in the real world. Minneapolis, Minn.: ABDO Publishing.

Tocci, S. (2001). Experiments with magnets. New York: Children’s Press.

Cole, J., & Degen, B. (1997). The magic school bus and the electric field trip. New York: Scholastic Press.

Wilson, R. (2013). How does a battery work? First edition. New York, NY: Gareth Stevens Publishing.

Seuling, B., & Tobin, N. (2003). Flick a switch : how electricity gets to your home. New York: Holiday House.

Kamkwamba, W., Mealer, B., & Zunon, E. (2012). The boy who harnessed the wind. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.

Parker, S. (2005). Fully charged: electricity. Chicago: Heinemann Library.

Pringle, P. (1964). The young Faraday. New York: Roy Publishers.

Shea, C. O. (2013). Conductors and insulators. First edition. New York, NY: Gareth Stevens Publishing.

Vail, G. (2013). Motors and generators. New York, NY: Gareth Stevens Pub.

Weingarten, E. (2013). What is a circuit? New York, NY: Gareth Stevens Pub.

Suen, A., & Carrick, P. (2007). Wired. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.

Macaulay, D. (20032002). The way things work: electricity. Wynnewood, PA: Schlessinger Media.

Rich, R. (2001). Thomas Edison and the electric light. Irving, TX : Wynnewood, PA: Nest Entertainment ; Distributed by Schlessinger Media.

Steffens, B. (1992). Phonograph: sound on disk. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books.

Barretta, G. (2012). Timeless Thomas: how Thomas Edison changed our lives. New York: Henry Holt.

Barretta, G. (2009). Neo Leo: the ageless ideas of Leonardo da Vinci. New York: Henry Holt.

Dooling, M. (2005). Young Thomas Edison. New York: Holiday House.

Wilson, A. (1999). How the future began: communications. New York: Kingfisher.

Krull, K., & Hewitt, K. (2013). Lives of the scientists: experiments, explosions (and what the neighbors thought). Boston: Harcourt Children’s Books.

Robinson, F. (2016). Ada’s ideas: the story of Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer. New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers.

Orr, T. (2015). Markus “Notch” Persson: creator of Minecraft. Kennett Square, Pennsylvania: Purple Toad Publishing.

Ballard, C. (2007). From steam engines to nuclear fusion: discovering energy. New York: Heinemann Library.

Gifford, C. (1999). How the future began: machines. New York: Kingfisher.

Barton, C., & Tate, D. (2016). Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s super-soaking stream of inventions. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.

Matthews, J. R. (2005). The light bulb. New York: F. Watts.

Berne, J., & Radunsky, V. (2013). On a beam of light: a story of Albert Einstein. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

Barretta, G. (2006). Now & Ben: the modern inventions of Benjamin Franklin. New York: Henry Holt and Co.

Stanley, D., & Hartland, J. (2016). Ada Lovelace, poet of science: the first computer programmer. First edition. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.

McPherson, S. S. (2010). Tim Berners-Lee: inventor of the World Wide Web. Minneapolis, MN: Twenty-First Century Books.

Jackson, A. (2015). Google: how Larry Page & Sergey Brin changed the way we search the web. Broomall, PA: Mason Crest.

Venezia, M. (2010). Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak: geek heroes who put the personal in computers. New York: Children’s Press.

McClafferty, C. K. (2012). Tech titans. New York: Scholastic.

Second Grade Science

Lauber, P., & Keller, H. (1995). Who eats what?: Food chains and food webs. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Zoehfeld, K. W., & Westcott, N. B. (1995). What’s alive? New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.


Cole, J., Notkin, L., & Ostrom, B. (1997). Scholastic’s the magic school bus gets planted: a book about photosynthesis. New York: Scholastic.

Ehlert, L. (1991). Red leaf, yellow leaf. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Ross, M. E., & Moore, G. (2001). Life cycles. Brookfield, Conn.: Millbrook Press.

Macken, J. E., & Paparone, P. (2008). Flip, float, fly: seeds on the move. New York: Holiday House.

Rustad, M. E. H. (. E. H. (2013). Plants in spring. North Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

Relf, P., Cole, J., & Scholastic Productions. (1995). The magic school bus plants seeds: a book about how living things grow. New York: Scholastic Inc.

Aston, D. H., & Long, S. (2007). A seed is sleepy. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

Harman, R. (2005). Carbon-oxygen and nitrogen cycles. Chicago: Heinemann Library.

Lawrence, E. (2013). Amazing plant bodies: Tiny to gigantic. Bearport Pub.

Macceca, M. L. (2010). The world of plants. Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books.

Kudlinski, K. V., & Schuppert, D. (2005). What do roots do? Minnetonka, MN: NorthWord Books.

Blackaby, S., & DeLage, C. (2003). Plant plumbing: A book about roots and stems. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.

Bodach, V. (2007). Stems. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

Kalman, B. (2005). Photosynthesis: Changing sunlight into food. New York, NY: Crabtree Pub.

Aaseng, N. (2011). Weird meat-eating plants. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow.

Lynette, R. (2013). The science behind plants. London: Raintree.

Miller, C. C. (2010). The deadliest plants on earth. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

Dowdy, P. (2010). Plant cells. New York, NY: Crabtree Pub.

Charman, A. (2012). I wonder why leaves change color and other questions about plants. New York: Kingfisher.

Morgan, S. (2012). Plant life cycles. Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media.

Kalman, B. (1997). How a plant grows. New York, NY: Crabtree Pub.

Bang, M., & Chisholm, P. (2012). Ocean sunlight: How tiny plants feed the seas. New York: Blue Sky Press.

Gould, M. (2012). Giant plants. New York, NY: The Rosen Pub. Group.

Kalman, B. (2011). What is pollination? New York, NY: Crabtree Pub.

Gibbons, G. (1991). From seed to plant. New York: Holiday House.

Royston, A. (2000). Life cycle of a mushroom. Chicago, IL: Heinemann Library.

Stewart, D., & Franklin, C. (2008). How a seed grows into a sunflower. New York, NY: Children’s Press.

Grigsby, S., & Tadgell, N. (2012). First peas to the table: how Thomas Jefferson inspired a school garden. Chicago, Ill.: Albert Whitman & Co.

Bardoe, C., & Smith, J. A. 1. (2006). Gregor Mendel: the friar who grew peas. New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers.


Davies, N., & Sutton, E. (2014). Tiny creatures: the world of microbes. First U.S. edition. Somerville, Massachusetts: Candlewick Press.

Krulik, N. E., Cole, J., & Ostrom, B. (1997). The magic school bus in a pickle: a book about microbes. New York: Scholastic.


French, V., & Ahlberg, J. (2010). Yucky worms. 1st U.S. ed., [reinforced trade ed.] Somerville, Mass.: Candlewick Press.

Berger, M., & Lloyd, M. (1998). Chirping crickets. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Cleary, B. P., Goneau, M., & Cleary, B. P. (2013). Butterfly, flea, beetle, and bee: what is an insect? Minneapolis: Millbrook Press.

Beech, L. W., & Spiers, J. (1996). The magic school bus gets ants in its pants: a book about ants. New York, NY: Scholastic.

Cole, J., & Degen, B. (1996). The magic school bus inside a beehive. New York: Scholastic Press.

Voake, S., & Voake, C. (2010). Insect detective. 1st U.S. ed. Somerville, Mass.: Candlewick Press.

Knudsen, S. (2003). From egg to butterfly. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications.

Heiligman, D., & Weissman, B. (1996). From Caterpillar to Butterfly. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Rockwell, A. F., & Jenkins, S. (2001). Bugs are insects. New York: HarperCollins.

Aston, D. H., & Long, S. (2011). A butterfly is patient. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books.

Heller, R. (1992). How to hide an octopus & other sea creatures. New York, N.Y.: Grosset & Dunlap.

Hurd, E. T., & Brickman, R. (2000). Starfish. New York: HarperCollins.

Esbensen, B. J., & Keller, H. (1993). Sponges are skeletons. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Berger, M., & Schindler, S. D. (2003). Spinning spiders. New York: HarperCollins.

Zoehfeld, K. W., & Davie, H. (1994). What lives in a shell? New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

George, T. C. (2000). Jellies: the life of jellyfish. Brookfield, Conn.: Millbrook Press.


Pfeffer, W., & Keller, H. (1996). What’s it like to be a fish? New York, NY: HarperCollinsPublishers.

Molnar, M. (2012). Great white sharks. Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media.

Cleary, B. P., & Goneau, M. (2013). Catfish, cod, salmon, and scrod: what is a fish? Minneapolis: Millbrook Press.

Curtis, J. K., & Wallace, C. (2012). Seahorses. Henry Holt and Co.

Bédoyère, C. D. (2011). Fry to Seahorse. Irvine, CA: QEB Pub.

Waters, J. F., & Barner, B. (2015). Sharks have six senses. New York: HarperCollins.

Cole, J. (1997). Scholastic’s the magic school bus goes upstream: a book about salmon migration. New York: Scholastic.


Cleary, B. P., Goneau, M., & Cleary, B. P. (2013). Salamander, frog, and polliwog: what is an amphibian? Minneapolis: Millbrook Press.

Knudsen, S. (2003). From tadpole to frog. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications.

Hawes, J., & Fraser, M. A. (2000). Why frogs are wet. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Pfeffer, W., & Keller, H. (1994). From tadpole to frog. New York: HarperCollins.

French, V., & Bartlett, A. (2000). Growing frogs. 1st U.S. ed. Cambridge, Mass: Candlewick Press.


McGuinness, E. J., Caron, R., Cole, J. C., Brown, H., & Kirkova, M. (2009). Baby Turtle’s tale. Denver, CO: Accord Pub.

Lawrence, E. (2012). A Chameleon’s Life. Bearport Pub.

Davies, N., & Chapman, J. (2001). One tiny turtle. 1st U.S. ed. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.

Davies, N., & Lozano, L. (2015). I don’t like snakes. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.

Fowler, A., Cornwell, L., Robinson, F., & Kepler, L. (1996). Gator or croc? New York: Children’s Press.

West, T., Cole, J., Ruiz, A., & Scholastic Productions. (1997). The magic school bus gets cold feet: a book about warm- and cold-blooded animals. New York: Scholastic.

Heller, R. (2000). “Galapagos” means “tortoises”. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books for Children.

Cleary, B. P., Goneau, M., & Cleary, B. P. (2013). Tortoise, tree snake, gator, and sea snake: what is a reptile? Minneapolis: Millbrook Press.

Berger, M., & Lloyd, M. (1992). Look out for turtles! New York, NY: HarperCollins.


Heller, R. (1981). Chickens aren’t the only ones. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.

Jenkins, P. B., & Rockwell, L. (1995). A nest full of eggs. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Aston, D. H., & Long, S. (2006). An egg is quiet. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

Bédoyère, C. D. (2010). Egg to penguin. Irvine, CA: QEB Pub.

Sklansky, A. E., & Paparone, P. (2005). Where do chicks come from? New York: HarperCollins.

Cleary, B. P., & Goneau, M. (2013). Sparrow, eagle, penguin, and seagull: what is a bird? Minneapolis: Millbrook Press.

Gans, R., & Mirocha, P. (1996). How do birds find their way? New York: HarperCollins.

Tatham, B., & Davie, H. (2002). Penguin chick. New York: HarperCollins.

Jenkins, P. B., & Lloyd, M. (1996). Falcons nest on skyscrapers. New York: HarperCollinsPublishers.

Aston, D. H., & Long, S. (2015). A nest is noisy. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books.

Goldin, A. R., & Davie, H. (1999). Ducks don’t get wet. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Mizumura, K. (1969). The emperor penguins. New York: Crowell.


Nelson, R. (2003). From foal to horse. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications.

Bédoyère, C. D. (2011). Puppy to dog. Irvine, CA: QEB Pub.

Esbensen, B. J., & Davis, L. (1994). Baby whales drink milk. New York: HarperCollins.

Earle, A., & Cole, H. (1995). Zipping, zapping, zooming bats. New York: HarperCollins.

Cleary, B. P., & Goneau, M. (2013). Dolphin, fox, hippo and ox: What Is a Mammal? Minneapolis: Millbrook Press.

George, T. C., & Merrill, C. H. (1996). A dolphin named Bob. New York: HarperCollinsPublishers.

Messner, K., & Neal, C. S. (2011). Over and under the snow. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

Fraser, M. A. (1999). Where are the night animals? New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Bancroft, H., Van Gelder, R. G. 1., & Davie, H. (1997). Animals in winter. Rev. ed. / New York: HarperCollins.

Dorros, A. (1994). Elephant families. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Fraser, M. A. (2002). How animal babies stay safe. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Otto, C., & Morgan-Vanroyen, M. (1998). Our puppies are growing. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Rylant, C. (1996). The whales. New York: Blue Sky Press.

Selsam, M. E. 1., & Donnelly, M. H. (1999). Big tracks, little tracks: following animal prints. New York: HarperCollinsPublishers.

Jenkins, P. B., & Classen, M. (1997). A safe home for manatees. New York: HarperCollinsPublishers.

Human Anatomy:

Harris, R. H., & Emberley, M. (2006). It’s not the stork!: A book about girls, boys, babies, bodies, families, and friends. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press.

Showers, P., & Kelley, T. (1992). Look at your eyes. Rev. ed. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.

Showers, P., & Lloyd, M. (1992). How you talk. Rev. ed. New York: HarperCollins.

Showers, P., & Watson, W. (1997). Sleep is for everyone. [Newly illustrated ed.] New York: HarperCollins.

Showers, P., & Miller, E. (2004). A drop of blood. Newly illustrated ed. New York, NY: HarperCollinsPublishers/Harper Trophy.

Showers, P., & Keller, H. (2001). Hear your heart. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Berger, M. (1983). Why I cough, sneeze, shiver, hiccup, & yawn. New York: Crowell.

Balestrino, P. (1989). The skeleton inside you. Rev. ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row.

Aliki. (1990). My feet. New York: Crowell.

Gifford, C., & Ruffle, M. (2012). Outside-in human body. New York, NY: DK Pub.

Harris, C. (2010). 3-d close up: The human body. S.l.: Silver Dolphin.

Arnold, C., & Patterson, A. (2013). Too hot? Too cold?: keeping body temperature just right. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.

Lataif, N., & Rojas, M. (2013). Forever you: A book about your soul and body. Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media.

Cole, J., & Degen, B. (1988). The magic school bus: inside the human body. New York: Scholastic Inc.

Montgomery, H. L., & Davis, G. C. (2010). Why do my teeth fall out?: And other questions kids have about the human body. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books.

Stones, B. (2012). Your body. London, UK: Kingfisher.

Pinnington, A., & Lamprell, P. (2012). My body. New York: Scholastic.

Rabe, T., & Ruiz, A. (2003). Inside your outside. New York: Random House.

Turnbull, S., & Larkum, A. (2007). Your body. London : [Tulsa, Okla.: Usborne ; EDC].

Petrie, K. (2006). The circulatory system. Edina, MN: Abdo Pub.

Simon, S. (2007). Lungs: your respiratory system. New York: Collins.

Avison, B. (2011). I wonder why i sleep. New York: Kingfisher Books.

Rockwell, L. (2003). The busy body book. New York: Crown Publishers.

Fromer, L., Weissmann, J., & Gerstein, F. (2011). My achy body. Toronto: Tundra Books.

Baines, R. (2009). The bones you own: a book about the human body. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic.

First Grade Science

Let’s go rock collecting / Gans, Roma
What is the world made of? : all about solids, liquids, and gases / Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner
A tree is a plant / Bulla, Clyde Robert
Flash, crash, rumble, and roll / Branley, Franklyn Mansfield
Snow Is Falling / Branley, Franklyn Mansfield
Floating In Space / Branley, Franklyn Mansfield
What The Moon Is Like / Branley, Franklyn Mansfield
How do apples grow? / Maestro, Betsy
Why Do Leaves Change Color? / Maestro, Betsy
How a seed grows / Jordan, Helene J
The sun : our nearest star / Branley, Franklyn Mansfield
Why Does the Moon Change Its Shape? / Murphy, Patricia J.
What makes a magnet? / Branley, Franklyn Mansfield
Down Comes the Rain / Branley, Franklyn Mansfield
A drop around the world / McKinney, Barbara Shaw
Water dance / Locker, Thomas
What will the weather be? / DeWitt, Lynda
What are earth’s biomes? / Kalman, Bobbie
Why Do the Seasons Change? / Stewart, Melissa
Jupiter / Taylor-Butler, Christine
Pluto / Taylor-Butler, Christine
Mars / Chrismer, Melanie
Neptune / Chrismer, Melanie
Comets / Chrismer, Melanie
Saturn / Waxman, Laura Hamilton
Venus / Brimner, Larry Dane
Uranus / Brimner, Larry Dane
Earth / Brimner, Larry Dane
Black Holes / Sipiera, Paul P.
Stars / Sipiera, Paul P.
Galaxies / Sipiera, Paul P.
The Solar System / Sipiera, Paul P.
Constellations / Sipiera, Diane M.

Kindergarten Science

General Science through guides and literature:

Printed Resources:
An Instant Guide to Trees / Eleanor Lawrence and Cecilia Fitzsimons
Oh Say Can You Say What’s the Weather Today?: All About Weather / Tish Rabe
The Way Things Work / David Macaulay
Birds of Tennessee Field Guide / Stan Tekiela
First Human Body Encyclopedia / DK Publishing
And Then There Were Eight: Poems about Space / Laura Purdie Salas
Do Turtles Sleep in Treetops?: A Book About Animal Homes / Laura Purdie Salas

Video Resources:
Wild Kratts (PBS)
The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That (PBS)
The Way Things Work series (DVD)
Nature (PBS)
How It’s Made (Science Channel)