Howdy, howdy.
So I’m thinking it’s time to put together a little notice board for the LAN and/or GAN parties I’ve likely been bothering you about for the past couple of months. Maybe the whole getting-a-bunch-of-goobs-together-in-one-place-to-play-games-thing is a fondly-remembered relic of the happy, sweaty past… but we can still play online (that would be on the, uh, Global Area Network) provided we had somebody to organize our little mini-skirmishes.
Because I’ve proclaimed an ability to do so, I’ve nominated myself as just that organizer. Yes, that’s right, I’m the goob whisperer, and I smell zombies what need (re)killin’.
Who’s in? I said, WHO’S IN??
Oh… I guess I should set a date. And a game. And a time. And other stuff. So, uh… this is the official SSF LAN / GAN party notice board for the moment. Get yourself an RSS subscription – and right now! – and follow along for occasional (monthly?) hunting season declarations.