Archive for category GAN Parties

Update – tonight’s event

The Friday Night Event scheduled for this evening has been postponed until approx. 9pm CDT.

Lobby details? Mmm… not sure. How do you tell? It’s up and running on a dedicated server out in the Steam cloud somewhere. Just friend me up and join my game.

Joe Cadaver

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Left 4 Dead 2 Friday night event – 8/13/10

Left 4 Dead 2

Stenches, stenches everywhere

Yeap, it’s time to get some group therapy.

We all suffer from necrophobia issues, and with Left 4 Dead 2 (30 bucks at Steam; slightly less at Amazon; all over the board at other places) we can address them with style and blazing, smoking finality.

On Friday, August 13, at or around 7pm, the luckiest four among us (more are welcome – we’ll just split out into different test chambers… er, servers) will curl up in front of the soft glow and/or harmful radiation of our favorite networking and computing paraphernalia and kill the hell out of the nearly departed.

If you’re in, you’re in. Comment on this post, send a message from the feedback page, shoot me an email if you know my address or just jot down a happy little note and send it through my window on a rock. It’s all good.

8/13/2010 – server/game lobby details TBA (tune in later, sucka)