The original three – and still unwashed

Coming and Going With Impunity

Filed under: Pictures — Mama @ 9:11 am June 11, 2005

Nymmie coming with impunityFrankie going with impunity

A yellow boy coming with impunity (and aid from daddy, as one might tell from the annoyed expression on his face) and a black boy going with impunity. When we moved their food and litter box to the garage, we put this door in the wall to promote the free exchange of cats. Nymmie took to the idea pretty fast, but Sunny pouted and yelled about it for a few weeks. It’s part of his routine now, though, so he would yell if we took it away. We didn’t think Frankie would ever use the door, but an experimental and temporary relocation of their food outside the garage proved that he’ll do whatever it takes to keep himself unfit.

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