Very strange. Our old condo is…
Very strange. Our old condo is on the market again, with many, many changes. Hardwood floors!
Perry accused me of not being …
Perry accused me of not being spontaneous the other day. I think I’ll spontaneously put some feet in Mr. Ubershortnotice’s tushy.
It's good to see friends doing…
It’s good to see friends doing what makes them happy. Michael Schaad owns this store:
So, I'm working on a treatment…
So, I’m working on a treatment for a lowbie country video. Chances are slim mine will be selected, but it’s better odds than the lottery. 🙂
At the moment beating the heat…
At the moment beating the heat and beating the cost of electricity are mutually exlusive endeavors…
Discovered a DBA has been stre…
Discovered a DBA has been streaming audio to his desktop 8 hours a day. Not worring about IM anymore. Using crappy Windows Messenger…
Where, oh, where could Perry b…
Where, oh, where could Perry be…
A guy at church lost his siste…
A guy at church lost his sister the other day. She was only 50. It makes me want to spend more time with Lynn, who I’m missing right now. 🙁
I have a co-worker named Katie…
I have a co-worker named Katie Weaver, and it trips me out whenever she’s paged overhead because it’s also the name of a friend’s daughter.
Enjoying some wunderbar homeco…
Enjoying some wunderbar homecooked leftovers: pan-fried chicken nuggets and field peas with bacon. Mmm… tasty!