It's Not Easy Being Yellow

Here’s a group shot of some of my friends and family, courtesty of Burger King.

Group shot

Of course there are people missing, and I don’t really like some of the people present, etc. But it’s all the folks I had easily-accessed pictures of, and it was really too much work to keep adding people anyway… yeah.

Click for full size image. 🙂


Based on reviews and whatnot, …

Based on reviews and whatnot, we may have finally found a decent Thai place in town. I guess we’ll have to eat there soon. 🙂

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Tommy Lukasik, Mob Mechanic

This guy’s going to be a minor but important character in Project One.

I’ve just recently discovered I needed Tommy, and for some reason I’m really excited to start drafting out that section of the story. I’m not sure why, but part of it may be that all the details of his personality and reactions to the storyline–and even his name, for little Petie’s sake–came rushing into my big fat head all at once as if they were real and obvious and thunk up by somebody smarter than me. That’s never happened before.

Anyway, I can’t say much about the guy, but he’ll work with Trick Dickel (Lynn thinks that’s a rude name, but I don’t see it. His name was originally going to have the “Tr” and “D” transposed, and I’ll give 100% concession to the fact that that really wouldn’t have been a good idea) in the garage up until the time his loyalties to the mob cause enough trouble for the main character and the Dickels (Trick and his daughter have integral roles) that Trick has to go all Jack Bristow on him.

That’s all I can say, other than that it’ll be “bloody” fantastic. 🙂

For me, anyway, because I’m enjoying putting this thing together. I realize the odds of my finding an agent round up to 100% against me and getting a book deal beyond that would be an even bigger stretch, but this is what I’m doing right now. Get over it – I have. 🙂

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I can't get this stupid Mr. Fa…

I can’t get this stupid Mr. Fancy Pants song out of my head. Serves me right for labeling my friends with it, I guess.

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Well, I got my Vonage crap plu…

Well, I got my Vonage crap plugged in and I got a dialtone and all that, but now there’s nobody to call. 🙁

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Haven't had a lot of tweets or…

Haven’t had a lot of tweets or emails today. Heard from Perry’s wife, but that’s not nearly as good as hearing from The Perrinator himself.

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My Vonage junk came this morni…

My Vonage junk came this morning. Good times…

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A Savage Breast

It needs soothing.

  1. I’ve been listening to Phantom 105.2, in Dublin, quite a bit lately. I find they feature a lot of artists the typical American consumer doesn’t have much access to.
  2. Free/lazytime browsing finds me going back to Jonathan Coulton’s site again and again to sample all his killa nerd folk tracks. I think I’m just going to have to buy some of his albums. I’ve been busy picking out anthems for my good buddies, too: Mr. Fancy Pants for Perry (don’t you think?) and Re: Your Brains for Wayne. Others, too, but they’re too rude to post…

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:=) I got this weird smiley to…

:=) I got this weird smiley today. It was from a Chinese DBA. I wonder if it’s an ethnic thing, or just a typo? His nose isn’t like that.

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It's sad because I can't bothe…

It’s sad because I can’t bother Wayne on the interwebs today.

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