Sam said something very profou…

Sam said something very profound today: "I don’t know any faggots who aren’t gay." His parents must be so proud.

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I'm sick and tired of Wayne fi…

I’m sick and tired of Wayne finding the cool stuff before me. I always stay up until 2:30am trying to get said cool stuff to work!

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Working on parchiving DVD 9 of…

Working on parchiving DVD 9 of 13 of my initial MP3 backup… woohoo…

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Now I'm writing out MD5 digest…

Now I’m writing out MD5 digests for all my dar and par2 files. Surely all this paranoia will pay off someday… 🙂

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Man, why the heck do they turn…

Man, why the heck do they turn the air off at work when it’s 85 degrees outside? At least it’s not 105 like it’s been…

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I should be grateful for the r…

I should be grateful for the rain. Lynn’s elephant-looking things in her garden are enjoying it. I just keep leaving my sunroof vented… 🙁

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Perry wondered why I named him…

Perry wondered why I named him Perry. It could have just as easily have been Yeardly Nutt. I’m glad Wayne doesn’t whine about such things!

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I came home for lunch for a night hot shower again spell as night and tonight I …

Jott From Eugene

I came home for lunch for a night hot shower again spell as night and tonight I prepare for my trip with Perry to Texas, I guess it’s time to put the music collection together.
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Yay… my home phone number fi…

Yay… my home phone number finally switched over to Vonage. Give me a call – (###) ###-####! Any 10 numbers will do. 🙂

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Real Men on Pillows

When Lynn told me about Daddy Dolls, I thought it sounded pretty silly. They basically take full-body shots of servicemen (and women) and print them on roughly body-shaped pillows, thereby creating “dolls” in the not-so-near likeness of their subjects. It was obvious to me right off that such a poorly executed idea would never catch on.

Except… I started looking at pictures of kids clutching their dolls, sleeping with them, dragging them around all over the place… and it sort of got to me. You realize that, based on biological odds, a lot of the folks serving overseas have children. But maybe (like me) you never stop to really think about those kids. It’s easy to think that their parents aren’t real people, but rather figures for the gloating political opportunists. They’re easily tabulated and moved from one column to the next, and from the “see, I told you this was a bad idea” box to the “let’s support our troops because it looks good to do so” box. But their kids don’t see it that way. There’s nothing special about military brats that endows them with the extraordinary ability to not miss a parent… they’re just kids, and maybe these dolls help a little. God bless them if they do.

And God bless free enterprise. This isn’t something you’d see spontaneously happening in China.

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