Perry has been tired and cranky all day and I'm been looking forward to seeing

Jott From Eugene

Perry has been tired and cranky all day and I’m been looking forward to seeing
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We're gonna be at Giggy's(?) house and like probably an hour and a half and appa…

Jott From Eugene

We’re gonna be at Giggy’s(?) house and like probably an hour and a half and apparently we’ve had some home cooked food sitting around for awhile and we’re going to enjoy it after all of our adventures at McDonalds.
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300 East Pike Street, Suite 200
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Jott From Eugene

[Poor Audio Quality]
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300 East Pike Street, Suite 200
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Perry keeps playing all these surmans(?) and then green, but I can't help it I n…

Jott From Eugene

Perry keeps playing all these surmans(?) and then green, but I can’t help it I notice that is only playing them when I am driving and making me very very sleepy, these all […] have to road and then sternum back up again, Oh! my goodness.
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Brought to you by Jott Networks, Inc.
300 East Pike Street, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98122

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I just express my first Texas Kraphaus, it was seven men deep and it smelled lik…

Jott From Eugene

I just express my first Texas Kraphaus, it was seven men deep and it smelled like nine dead bodies.
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300 East Pike Street, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98122

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Our favorite restaurant that was shut for ten years or 9 years that opened opene…

Jott From Eugene

Our favorite restaurant that was shut for ten years or 9 years that opened opened back up recently, we knew that there was another store in Texas and we just drove by it in Dallas, very very interesting.
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Brought to you by Jott Networks, Inc.
300 East Pike Street, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98122

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Instant Jott

Jott From Eugene

Instant Jott
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300 East Pike Street, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98122

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I finally got my phone service back am so…

Jott From Eugene

I’ve been with that phone service […]I finally got my phone service back am so happy.
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Brought to you by Jott Networks, Inc.
300 East Pike Street, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98122

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and apparently…

Jott From Eugene

We just got cojacked and murdered in some unknown tower and […] and apparently we are going to have to work on our verbal signals because I said […] We are about to get Jet and Perry just lost. So, now we are heading towards little rock and we are going to sleep and hopefully not get jacked and murdered again. Goodnight.
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Brought to you by Jott Networks, Inc.
300 East Pike Street, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98122

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Home, Home… at Texarcana Inn…

It’s really a groovy place. All the roaches and muggers think so, anyway… and a billion underbelly lifeforms can’t be wrong.

Just kidding… it’s not so bad. And we made it all the way to Texas on the first evening! Like, just barely… like one mile in… but still. I’m very pleased with that last little push. I kept feeling like we were being pursued all through Little Rock by Mr. Pentecostal Beerbreath… the mugger/killer that approached us while we snuggled in the car at a gas station. So here we is.

Perry’s been sort of a buttnut (as per the usual), but nothing I couldn’t handle with a well-timed German swear word and accompanying open-handed love smack.

Very interesting, how those transcriptions are turning out! Some of them are pretty close to what was actually intended!

Night. We have free breakfast until 9am, so I guess we’ll be up before then… and playing it by ear later… 😀

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