Daniel’s Four Month Video

This is a video that covers Daniel’s first four months. We will be making DVD’s for the folks that don’t have internet. Warning – it’s 36 minutes long.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Four Months Old Today

It’s hard to believe we’ve made it!

  • Daniel’s acid is being controlled with Zegerid.
  • Mama is still pumping.
  • Daniel is sleeping through the night.
  • Daniel can only get naps during the day if he’s sleeping on one of us.

Here are a couple of videos from this morning.  In the first Daniel is in his Baby Einstein Discover and Play Activity Center playing with his favorite part of it.  It is a set of buttons with animal pictures that plays their sounds, names and then a song.

In the second Daniel is sitting in his Bumbo Seat with his ring stacker that he’s spinning like a top.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Four Month Checkup

Daniel’s four month checkup went great.  He is now 15 pounds and 2 ounces and 24 inches long.  After his checkup we went by where Mama used to work for a couple of minutes so that they could see Daniel in person.

This is a picture from yesterday with Daniel with glowing red eyes, but does show how sweetly he often clasps his hands when taking his bottle.

Mammy Visit

Mammy came to visit Daniel today.  She’s come to see him a few times before, but this is the first time I got pictures.  She gave him his bottle and held him while he got about an hour long nap.

Activity Center

These are Daniel’s first experiences with his Baby Einstein Discover and Play Activity Center.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

More of My Couch Potato Son

Daniel is watching My Friends Tigger and Pooh.

Big boy on the couch

Cartoons are funny

Poppy and I couldn’t figure out what was particularly funny about this cartoon, but Daniel thought it was a riot.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

My Couch Potato Son

Daniel is already an expert TV watcher.  His new favorite way of watching TV is laying in the floor while either sucking his thumb or his shirt collar.

Bumbo Laughs

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

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