Why are references to other people on this blog so vague? I have no idea who you’re talking about half the time.
They’re vague by design because, well, we’re paranoid about weirdos. Try to follow along, and just let us know via personal correspondence if you still have trouble figuring out who’s who. We’ll be happy to assist!

Where did the name “Daniel Evan” come from? Are those family names?
Nope. We specifically chose first and middle names that weren’t borrowed from either side of the family. We always liked the name Daniel, and we also sort of named him after “Uncle Daniel,” who is actually a good friend of the family.

Where did all these uncles come from? I thought Daniel’s parents were both only children.
A lot of them are actually great uncles and whatnot. The rest are Papa’s brothers from other mothers.

Why are there only three questions here?
There are actually four at the moment.

1 Comment(s)

  1. Comment by Cindie on July 21, 2008 10:01 am

    These pictures are so precious! I’m sorry to hear about his reflux and am now starting to wonder if that is what my daughter had 26 years ago and they just called it colic! We have recently found out that Jenny has gestational diabetes, too. She has a wonderful specialist that she is seeing and her blood sugar is responding to the food plan very well, so far. But it is early (she will be 27 weeks on Thursday) and I really hope she doesn’t have to go on insulin. Did you have any special tips that seemed to help with your blood sugar levels?

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