Grocery Stores

Daniel loves grocery stores. Here are a couple of videos of Daniel at grocery stores.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Quotable Quotes – June 2011

June 1 – Me: “What’s on your shirt?” Daniel: “May be cicada or maybe it’s just dirt.”

June 4 – Daniel has limited experience with sweat. He said, “My face is crying.”

June 4 – Tonight Daniel thanked God for grass, trees, clouds, sky, sun and toys.

June 6 – Daniel looking at a letter that was hand written on ruled paper, points to a couple of boxes on the corner: “This is the send button and this is the print button.”

June 7 – I told Daniel that my car engine choked. “What’d it eat?”

June 7 – Three-year-old scientific logic while examining a beech nut at the park: “This is all pruney. It must have gotten wet. It must have rained at the park.” Later he put a nut in a hole in the tree and handed me a leaf. “This is your receipt.”

June 8 – What!?! Daniel just selected print from the drop down menus.

June 10 – It is so hot outside. At 9:15 a.m. with sweat rolling down his face Daniel says, “Let’s go to Lowe’s now. We’ve been at the park all day.”

June 10 – Daniel was so good about pretending to wash his hands in the sink after pretending to use the toilet at Lowe’s. But the first time he did it, he almost didn’t just pretend to pull his pants down!

June 14 – Daniel: “What’s that boo boo? It’s a crack. Maybe you’re old.”

June 16 – There aren’t many sounds as joyous as your child singing “Jesus is Coming Soon” very loudly in the back seat of the car.

June 23 – Daniel was turning the gas cap on his toy lawn mower and making a humming noise. Me: “That’s where you put the gas.” Daniel: “No, that’s the volume.”

June 24 – I explained to Daniel that he will get old. “I’ll have lots of cracks.”

June 25 – Daniel is an expert at self checkouts and thinks all stores should have them. Recently we were at a store that didn’t and Daniel says “Where’s the self checkout?” I told him they didn’t have one. He pointed to the cashier and said “Just let him go away.”

June 26 – It’s so funny having Daniel correct me about how I play. It’s even funnier when he just takes over because I’m doing it wrong. He’s learned one of my greatest governing principals: if you want something done right, you best do it yourself.



Quotable Quotes – May 2011

May 2 – had a great lunch at LongHorn Steakhouse. At one point he turned to me with a big grin and said, “I’m humming Winnie the Pooh.”

May 3 – blowing on his new wooden whistle with his hand over the hole, therefore not producing results. He declared, “The batteries are dead.”

May 5 – thoroughly amused the attendant at the Whole Foods self checkout as he carefully located the UPS on each item and scanned it, and then successfully swiped my credit card on his first attempt.

May 7 – Happy mother’s day as only a three-year-old can tell you: “Mama, why your face cracked?”

May 7 – Me: “Do you remember what clouds are made of?” Son: “Water” Me: “What happens when they get really full of water?” Son: “They turn on the faucet and it rains.”

May 9 – Finding an empty cicada shell prompted some funny comments: “Where is that naked cicada? Where is a not naked cicada? Let that spider wear this.”

May 11 – Daniel was standing on a table next to me, so a little taller than me. He kissed me on the forehead, patted me on the head and said, “You are a beautiful Mama.”

May 12 – Cicada from a three-year-old’s perspective: “He has nice red eyes.” Touching a cicada: “I’m making that cicada walk.”

May 13 – Ate at Daniel’s favorite meat-n-three and the little man ordered all by himself. I gave him the tab and a $20 and went to the register and paid by himself too!

May 17 – Daniel has been sick. Despite it he’s been so sweet and poetic: “I love Lowes. I love mailboxes and trees and I love you.”

May 18 – Daniel taking a stab at predicting the plot on his first viewing of Pinocchio: “Jiminy Cricket gonna have ears in a minute.”

May 20 – The roofers are playing mariachi music. Daniel says, “They want to listen to Wiggles.”

May 23 – In Daniel’s bedtime prayer, he thanked God for drawers, Mimi, Poppy, Papa, the kitties and doors.

May 26 – Daniel, emphatically: “My name is NOT Babe.”


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