October 2012

October 1 – My poor sweety has come down with something or another and fell asleep on the couch. He doesn’t feel good at all.

October 2 – As I put my sweet little sick boy to bed he said “Are you going to have a good rest?”

October 3 – Daniel standing on a stool: “Look! I’m bigger. Look how big I am. But why is my voice not lower?”

October 3 – Daniel didn’t appreciate my humor when I told him the egg salad he made was egg-cellent. “No, it’s EXcellent.”

October 4 – My little guy was feeling better yesterday but more on the puny side again.

October 5 – The train tower is always a favorite

October 7 – Daniel speaking of The Andy Griffith Show: “Tell TiVo that I like that show.”

October 10 – Watching bees on the mums

October 11 – Daniel: “That says Staples The Office, but what is that last word?” I guess I can forgive him for not knowing the word Superstore.

October 14 – Playing with the “sliding thing”

October 17 – Papa found this little car at Brilliant Sky. It follows a track you just draw on paper.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

October 18 – Daniel is drinking water out of a coffee mug and watching the weather channel. Four going on 60?

October 19 – “I just want to tickle you right up.”

October 20 – “How do I know that? I’ve been on the Earth a long time.”

October 21 – Daniel likes to help start loads of laundry. Today he was putting towels in the washer and says, “Laundry, laundry, laundry. Why do we do laundry every day and there is always more laundry?”

October 22 – Trying out the PlayStation Vita

October 24 – After about three dozen rides, Daniel is an escalator expert.

October 26 – While picking out frames for new glasses today, Daniel was very opinionated about the choices. I ended up going with his final pick. It’s nice to not have to make a decision about something like that alone, but kind of funny putting so much stock in the opinion of a four-year-old.”

October 27 – Completely engrossed in his new etch-a-sketch

October 28 – Daniel is playing with plastic balls of various colors and pretending they are candy. He is saying they are flavors based on the colors, and most were pretty regular candy flavors like lemon, orange and grape. When he got to the green one, he said that one was edamame!

October 28 – “I did control-alt-delete and made that thing come up so that I could end the process.”

October 29 – Daniel was getting his Papa to tell him all about animals before bed. He told him that Uncle Larry would be able to tell him all about animals and could talk his ears off about them. That was a new expression for Daniel so he requested some more explanation. “What would it look like if your ears fell off? It would just be big holes full of wax.”

October 29 – Daniel noticed his Papa’s haircut and wanted an explanation. Papa said that he just sucked his hair back in. Daniel: “I think there were some scissors along the way.”

October 30 – The wind woke my poor boy. He took the opportunity to tell me all about computer viruses and antivirus software.

October 30 – Daniel wanted to print a small portion of a web page. Completely on his own, he did a print screen and then opened Paint and did a paste. He used select to get the portion he wanted and then cropped. Then he printed his cropped image. I’m afraid to know what he will know how to do when he’s five.

October 31 – “Hey! Papa’s tickling too well. Oh my goodness, this is too much. Oh my goodness, this is terrible.”

October 31 – Our waitress had red devil horns. Daniel asked me if she was a moose. A different waitress, repeated something back to my son using his substitution of W’s for L’s. After she left he said, “Why she say it like that?” I explained that she was imitating the way he said it. “No, I think she was speaking in Spanish.”

October 31 – Dr Daniel

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