First Zoo Trip of the Year

Daniel didn’t take a long afternoon nap, and it was really warm, so Mama put him in his first romper of the year and we headed to the zoo for a while.  Daniel was tired as you can see on the way there.

This trip Daniel really paid attention to the animals.  Here he is pointing to some big macaw birds (“caw caw”).

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Daniel is pointing at some monkeys.

Daniel watching a big stork that is pretty close to us.

Daniel watching the meerkats.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube


Daniel loves this playground behind our library.  He calls it “slides”.

He loves to run around and around the ramps.

He’s throwing little mulch crumbs down the slide.  He has taken this slide a few times by himself, but usually wants his Mama to go with him.

Behind the playground is a field with a stream with a small waterfall.  Daniel loves to explore the field and play with sticks and point out flowers.

Pappy’s Birthday Gathering

Mama, Poppy and Daniel went to Mammy’s house to a lunch for Pappy’s birthday.  Aunt Elizabeth prepared a lot of wonderful food.  Daniel was particularly fond of the lima beans.

Daniel had a box of raisins for dessert.

Mammy gave Daniel a couple of buttercups which Daniel was so proud of.

Twenty-three Months Old Today

Here is our nearly two years old Daniel in his new crab outfit.

Rainy Day

Daniel was really wanting to go outside today  (“sides”) but couldn’t because of the rain, so he had to settle on doing some marker art.  He had a really good time doing it, but would frequently want me to wipe marker off his hands and the table.

Bird Attire

This morning Daniel got all dressed up to go on the deck to feed (“seeds”) the birds (“caw caw”).  He put on his stocking cap, a pair of my socks, six bracelets and a necklace on his wrist.  When we went out he also took his mini basketball.  Here he is eating banana slices for breakfast.

Writing and drawing

Daniel is very exact about his writing (especially to not even be two yet).  Today he was saying what things were as he drew them.  We think the top of the page is his name.  The middle is a “kitty” and to the right of the kitty and along the bottom are “apples”.  I don’t think he does too bad to be such a bitty guy.

Ahoy, matey!

Some of Daniel’s TV shows have gotten him interested in pirates.  I made him a pirate hat and Daniel was quite proud of it.  He wore it to the grocery store soon after this picture.

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