Talkative Daniel

Daniel has been very talkative since he was just a few weeks old, but I never seem to have the camera ready at the right time. Here is a semi-talkative Daniel that I managed to capture. This also captures a sneeze. Daniel always says something after a sneeze, so our best guess is that he is blessing himself.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Lower Lip

I couldn’t resist snapping a picture of this cute little bottom lip.

Visit from Floyd, Lynda and Karen

Daniel had a very nice visit from Uncle Floyd and Aunt Lynda and cousin Karen.

Fascination with Fisty

Daniel’s new best friend is his right hand made into a fist. He almost treats it like a puppet, so we call it Fisty. He and Fisty play happily for long stretches of time.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Post Picture Passout

Daniel reacted so badly to taking him out for pictures, it almost makes me wonder if it was worth it.  It is so sad to see him so upset.  Mama had to give him his Zegerid medicine (which he absolutely hates to take) and tried to feed him, but he was too upset to eat.  But he did finally just pass out from exhaustion.  Papa took him so that Mama could get a much needed nap and he continued to sleep.  He didn’t wake to eat that bottle but chose to just keep sleeping until after a few hours Papa put him in the crib and he still kept sleeping for hours.  Baby breakdowns take a tremendous amount of energy.  I guess he can eat tomorrow.

While Papa was holding him Mama thought the was all too sweet.  It’s just sad that this relaxation is actually just shear exhaustion.

Three Month Pictures

Well, it was an adventure, but we did manage to get three month professional pictures made today.  It was a taxing day for Daniel and his little village of caretakers.  Poppy and Mama got him ready and took him for the pictures.  He was pretty upset at the end, so we made a run for it and Papa showed up in time for us to tag team with him for him to pick out the pictures we want and pay and so forth.

Daniel had a mini-baby-breakdown after we got him home.  We first did several things to cool him down and then started on things to console him.   We suspect that the new drug he is taking for his acid reflux, Zegerid, is causing this extreme nervousness.  But there is nothing we can do. He has to take a drug and this one has fewer side effects than the Zantac did.

Part of our cooling strategy was a bath.  This mostly just got Daniel more upset (he usually enjoys baths) but he was settled down once Poppy got him on the changing table.  Poppy took these pictures.  This is Daniel’s new favorite pass time.  He makes a fist with his right hand and moves it closer and further from his face repeatedly while staring at it.  It is the cutest thing.  He can occupy himself for 15 mintues at a time this way.

Widgets of mass destraction

Poppy and Mimi have already gotten Daniel some pretty neat toys and whatnot, and he’s showing more and more interest in the contrasted colors, texture and plain old widgetiness of them all.

Here’s one of his (and my) favorites – the mighty Skwish (slightly better description at this store)! In the background you’ll hear Daniel’s favorite CD:

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Beyond the call of duty

The small circle of people Daniel can cope with right now – Mama, Papa, Mimi and Poppy – can’t always take care of themselves, but they’ll do anything in the world for him. His grandparents have been here since the first, and because of that they imprinted themselves on his brains before the Zantac nightmare ever began. And that’s really fortunate because Daniel has started his next adventure: teething! I hear that some babies make it through that phase with absolutely no discomfort whatsoever, and we wish (and Daniel most of all!) that he fit that description. But, alas, alack, aherm and acrap, I must unbundle yet another sadness: he doesn’t, not one little bit, and Mama and I aren’t yet self-sufficient.

Here’s the scenario. Ready? OK:

  1. Daniel’s lower gum had been bothering him like nuts all day
  2. He hadn’t been able to sleep with the pain, and whenever he finally did pass out from exhaustion, he just woke up again with the next throb
  3. Mama and Papa had been up with him all day massaging his mouth and keeping him comfortable
  4. Mama, who currently gets her sleep during the day, finally had to conk out, leaving Papa with the unhappy little bag
  5. And Papa had to get some work done because he hadn’t been able to get to it all weekend, and he figured he’d have to stay up into the wee to finish it
  6. But Mama wouldn’t have any of that, and she called her folks for yet another favor

So Poppy, who’d already given s much time to his favorite boy in the whole world, showed up to sit…

…sick and with a 101.4° fever.

That’s true devotion.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Poppy love

I wondered how Poppy and Daniel spent their together-time… 🙂

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Swing provides some acid relief

Until the Zegerid starts fully working, Daniel is getting acid relief in any way possible.  This portable swing provides a good upright angle and is comfortable.  Sometimes Daniel gets sore from being held so much (for us to keep him at a good angle), so this is a welcome relief.  When his acid is really bad, he’d rather be held and consoled.

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