Twenty-two Months Old Today

Daniel is twenty-two months old today, well on his way to the big TWO.  Here he is doing some of his left-handed doodling.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Cell Phone

Daniel blabbing on his toy cell phone.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Daniel laying in the floor with his feet propped up on the footstool, talking on this play cell phone.

Cat Treats

Daniel loves to give the cats treats at night.  He knows they will always come to him for that.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Guitar Singer

Daniel singing a song of unknown lyrics while playing the guitar.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Caged Animal

It’s interesting how so many different animals exhibit similar caged behavior.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Bedtime Snack

Daniel loves carrots.  He’s having a few for a bedtime snack.

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Wearing Mama’s shoes

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

Daniel talks to his reflection

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube


Daniel is sitting in his bean bag using a footstool as a TV tray as he watches Sesame Street.

Daniel’s Table

Daniel just won’t eat in his high chair anymore.  He eats at his little table in the kitchen.  These days he eats chicken, turkey, carrots, peas, green beans, summer squash, butternut squash, turnips, cabbage, potatoes, broccoli and bananas.  He recently tried okra and seemed to like it.

Daniel likes to keep a collection of his favorite items on his table.  He just leaves enough room for his plate and sippy cup.  I did get a giggle when I noticed his Bible and a Nerf gun in the current collection.

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