Sixteen Months Old Today

Where is your…?

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On the move

Now that Daniel is such a good walker, one of his favorite new skills is taking things from one place to another.  Here he is toting Mama’s water bottle around.

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Play Is Hard Work

No one can accuse Daniel of being lazy.  He works hard every day.  I didn’t get video of him moving a kitchen chair from beside the kitchen table to the livingroom, but this is what he did when he got it there.

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First Molar

I’m pretty certain Daniel’s lower left first molar is all the way in today.  He’s not complaining with it and I can feel all the corners.  I’m not even going to attempt to take a picture of it since I can’t even get a look in there at it myself.  He is now suffering with the lower right side.

Daniel has a couple of sets of fluid filled plastic keys that we keep in the freezer door.  Daniel likes to chew on these when his teething is particularly painful.  The funny thing is that he doesn’t come empty handed.  He always grabs something first before asking to be lifted to the freezer door.  He leaves the other object in the door before taking a set of keys.  He’s left plastic animals, plastic spoons, Bunny, barbecue sauce, bottles and cups.

What is it? Camera

Daniel is still putting our finger on things he wants to know the name of.  He’s also a camera ham.  Papa was trying to get a video of Daniel being cute while watching TV.  Once Daniel noticed the camera, he started being a ham.  Then he wanted Papa to name the camera.

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Dealing with Teething Pain

Daniel chews on all kinds of things to help deal with his teething pain.  Here he is chewing on his toothbrush.  He’s working on his left bottom molar that has three corners through.  That last corner is being stubborn.

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Watching Barney

Daniel is a bit of a Barney fan.  It’s one of the few shows he will pay complete attention to.

Walking to the vent

Daniel is still putting things down the vent, but has decided it’s easier to walk and carry something than his crawling scoot maneuver.

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Working on the toilet

Seeing Papa and Poppy working on the toilet a couple of weeks ago inspired Daniel.  When he gained access to a guitar capo, he thought it looked a lot like those toilet tools so is giving it a try.

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