January 2014
January 2 – Sometimes I get a bit concerned that if Daniel is this clever at five, what in the world am I in for in a few years. He wrote “CARD” on the folder I gave him for his report card. Then he considered that he will get more report cards in the future so added “(S)”.
January 2 – First tooth is out. I’m amazed it hung on this long.
January 5 – Daniel writing a game: “I’m not done with it. I’ll try to make it look more promising.”
January 5 – Daniel had me call him on the intercom so that he could pretend to be the Walgreens computerized answering system, complete with hold music. But the best part was when the “computer” asked if I wanted a new description or wanted to fill an old description.
January 10 – One of my blog readers was not able to print a pattern. It had Gene and me stumped. Our five-year-old son overheard a bit of the conversation and solved it in seconds. I have a feeling there is much more of this to come.
January 11 – Me to Daniel who was studying his face intensely in the mirror: “Anything in particular you are studying?” “I’m looking for wrinkles.” I know he’s an old soul, but really?
January 19 – “I feel like I’m a hundred, or maybe ten.”
January 19 – Daniel: “I think it’s kind of strange that you’re older than Pa, but he knows more about programming than you do.” Me: “That’s OK. Ask him if he knows how to knit.”
January 24 – Daniel is glad his school offers creative writing in kindergarten, with flexibility of medium used. He has created his own product – Netflix Connect – that is a box somewhat like a Roku but also includes a DVD player. He’s now creating a multimedia ad campaign for it.
January 25 – He calls it “Barn on Wheels”
January 26 – E-mails and stories my kid writes amuse me. He uses lots of punctuation such as quotes, parentheses, and colons, and always correctly, but there isn’t a period or comma to be found.
January 28 – Money counting practice while playing a fun game – Money Up.
January 28 – Daniel made a dictionary, which I guess is a sort of picture dictionary. It’s funny to see what made the cut.
January 30 – We read a book about turtles and he had to write his own book about turtles in WordPad. We listened to some Beethoven and he had to compose some of his own music with music composition software.