June 2013
June 1 – Daniel about the Franklin Farmers Market: “We came all the way out here and didn’t even have an adventure.”
June 3 – The directory is like a mini playground.
June 3 – at the park
>> Watch in high quality at YouTube
June 4 – at the park
June 5 – Leaky washer. Lee Co coming today. Daniel: “I will watch what he does and tell him if he’s doing it wrong.”
June 5 – Daniel the charmer strikes again. We were picking out frames for his new glasses and the lady put some frames on him and asked what he thought of them. “Maybe on somebody else.”
June 5 – I learned where I am on the food chain. I brought a big plate of chicken to Daniel and told him I made enough for us to share. “I will eat what I want and what I don’t eat you can have.”
June 7 – He’s not thrilled about his new glasses.
June 8 – Daniel to Papa: “Did you know Mama can do two things at one time?”
June 8 – Further proof that Daniel inherited my mixed metaphor gene: “I’m as ticklish as Christmas.”
June 9 – He’s not fighting the glasses like he was, but he still fights having his picture taken.
June 10 – Daniel is typing messages in a game he is writing and tells me the messages for me to spell for him to type. As he types he repeats the letters I give him. I said “exclamation point” and he said “capital one”. Look at your keyboard.
June 13 – Me: “You have no idea how cute you are.” Daniel: “I do have an idea.”
June 13 – Daniel is playing in front of the deck door since our power is out for some reason.
June 14 – Amazing weather. Super Squirty is trimming the holly bush with his scissors.
June 16 – As a parent you have a special pride when your child surpasses your abilities. I thought I was the master of the mixed metaphor, but Daniel has me beat, hands down. He told his pa he was “slow as pie.”
June 17 – Poppy took this at the Adventure Science Center. Whenever Daniel refers to the Adventure Science Center he uses the full name, Adventure Science Center, which makes all of his stories about the Adventure Science Center very, very long.
June 18 – Daniel has no qualms about eating meat. Watching Cat in the Hat he says, “Do you know what my favorite animal is?” I’m expecting a zoo animal or a pet. “Chicken because I like to eat it.”
June 20 – Daniel watching Andy Griffith: “Is Barney always incorrect?”
June 22 – Poppy said Daniel was singing “go granny go granny go granny go” today. I take full responsibility for that.
June 22 – Poppy took these at Adventure Science Center.
June 23 – “So what do you do on Independence Day? Does that mean I get to do anything I want?”
June 24 – Daniel is writing programs in Visual Studio. He made check box that said “Click if Poppy’s coming today” which produced the pop up “I’m excited” and a check box that said “Click if Poppy’s not coming today” which produced the pop up “I’m sad”.
June 26 – at the toy store
June 28 – “Do one-year-olds just like to do boring stuff, like opening drawers and closing them?”
June 30 – “If you go down in the Earth, there is grass, then dirt, then rocks, then hot rocks, then more rocks, then dirt, then grass again, because eventually you’ll come out the other side.”