November 2013
November 2 – What your kid does when you ask him to is one thing, but what he just does on his own is another thing altogether. Daniel saw that the hall bathroom was out of TP and there was also none in the cabinet. He not only got a replacement roll from the main bath closet, but got two more and put them in the hall bath cabinet.
November 7 – I heard the garbage truck, looked outside and realized our trash can wasn’t on the curb. We’d already missed last week because of storms all day, so couldn’t afford to miss another week. I ran out the door and around back to get the can. The garbage men were kind to wait until I got my can to the curb. Then I ran it back down behind the house again. This wouldn’t have been that interesting had it not been for Daniel who watched the whole scene from the front door and met me with clapping and jumping saying, “You did it, Mama! You did it!” I feel like a won an Olympic event.
November 7 – Goofing off before his haircut
>> Watch in high quality at YouTube
November 7 – Chi Chi to Daniel as she cuts his hair: “Are you married yet?” Daniel: “Definitely not!” Chi chi: “Do you want to marry someday?” Daniel: “Not until I’m 11 or maybe 12.”
November 9 – This morning my son wanted me to help warm his feet. Me: “Are Mamas good for warming feet?” Daniel: “They are good for lots of stuff.” Me: “Like what?” Daniel: “Well, they’re good for lovin’.”
November 10 – Christmas pictures
November 10 – Some things are still interesting four years later…
November 12 – “I used to hate school but I don’t now. I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it. Maybe in 100 days I’ll even love it.”
November 12 – Developmental Optometrist asked how Daniel was with reading now. I was explaining that the issue now is not his ability but finding something he was interested in. Daniel interjects: “I don’t like to read, but I can do it if I need to.”
November 12 – My vision therapy graduate
Daniel with Kasey, his vision therapist. He is going to miss seeing Kasey every week.
November 13 – Today, for the first time that I’ve heard, Daniel completed a statement with “…now that I’m five-and-a-half.” I love the half ages.
November 15 – “Five is my favorite number, because I’m five, but also I just like to say it. It’s kind of smooth.”
November 18 – Lady in the waiting room at the doctor: “You seem very smart to be five.” Daniel: “I was very smart when I was younger, too.”
November 18 – Today at lunch Daniel quizzed me ad nauseam about computer viruses, malware and operating systems. About thirty minutes into the interview he said, “Mama, you actually know a lot about this.”
November 18 – Some play time after Mama’s morning appointments
November 19 – At the fountain after the field trip at the museum
November 20 – My sweet boy patiently watching the car fiasco.
November 26 – Daniel and Poppy had been talking about “the old days” so he wanted a story from me. I told him about TV’s without cable or remotes or TiVo . “But how did you watch it?” “You just had to watch whatever was on a few channels.” “But you had to have an operating system like TiVo or something.”
November 27 – I’m watching a documentary about African animals with my shamelessly carnivorous son, who is viewing it as a menu. I’m thinking the antelope are so beautiful and graceful and he comes out with, “Did you know you can eat those?”
November 30 – Daniel has spent the last three days creating video games. Me: “Do you think you’d want to make video games for a living? You could go to work and write video games.” Daniel: “No, I can just do that here. “