September 2013

September 2 – Daniel will hardly let me take a picture of him, but he is always taking pictures of himself.


September 4 – My big laugh of the day – Daniel is wandering around tugging at his shorts because they don’t feel right. He has one of the shorts legs pulled up around his waist, one leg is through a shorts leg and the other through the shorts waist. I saved him the humiliation of taking a picture.

September 4 – Perfect weather


September 5 – Nature walk for the school boy.


September 7 – A little bike time before it gets hot


September 8 – Daniel explained “the type of music Pa likes”: “Pa likes this soft kind of music. It’s not the type of music I like. I like music you can dance to.”

September 8 – Watching the dancing at the Greek Festival


September 10 – The speakers in my car only work intermittently. I told Daniel it might be a short in the wiring. Later he asked his pa to tell him more about Mama’s short. After a bit of confusion, Pa finally understood what he was asking about. Daniel says, “Did you think I was talking about how she is small?”

September 12 – Dancing to Go Diego Go theme

>> Watch in high quality at YouTube

September 12 – Doesn’t get squirtier than this.


September 13 – Me and my buddy.


September 16 – Daniel has managed to be the class clown in a class of one.

September 17 – Daniel: “Stinky!!!” Me: “You sound like your Pa. He says the same thing.” Daniel: “What is that?” Me: “Kimchi.” Daniel: “I thought it was trash.”

September 20 – Daniel and I are watching one of the few actual history shows on the History Channel. It’s about how the reports of trailblazers caused excitement for westward expansion in the East. Daniel thought that was so strange since they couldn’t take any video to show them.

September 20 – Daniel was looking at the list of printer choices and asked, “Which one is Nurse Kellye?” It just suddenly dawned on me that it will be years before he will ever watch a M*A*S*H episode, but because of our house naming convention for our computers and peripherals, he knows all the characters’ names.

September 21 – Playing Kindle games on the couch.


September 22 – Daniel: “I want to be like you when I grow up.” Me: “What about me makes you want to be like me?” Daniel: “Because you know a lot of stuff.”

September 24 – Daniel, who is suffering from allergy induced sinus congestion: “Do I not feel good today?” Me: “I don’t think you do.” Daniel: “I don’t feel good and I don’t sound good either.”

September 24 – “Why do you think it’s so dark in Fresh Market? I think they don’t want to pay for the electricity.”

September 26 – On school days I constantly hear “I want to do what I want to do.” Today, on a sick day off from school I’m hearing “What can I do?”

September 29 – Daniel will usually not read when asked, but he will read for hours if it is for the purpose of training his computer to have better voice recognition.

September 29 – Daniel is singing a dance version of ‘My Bonnie’.

September 30 – Everyone expects their child will take an active role in their healthcare at some point, just not when the child is five. Today at my doctor appointment the nurse took my blood pressure and didn’t say anything. Daniel: “So, what was it?” She tells him. Daniel: “Is that good?”

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